jamie lee curtis

Right, so I’ve had a request for my dream stories, and last night’s was a doozy.

I was at a professional sporting event with Mario, I think it was baseball. Jamie Lee Curtis had discovered who I was, and was trying to kill me. So while the fireworks were going off (during the.. fireworks inning…), we took the opportunity to sneak out of the side door and had made it to the parking lot laughing about how easy it had been to get away, when Nigerian dudes started chasing us in their colorful puma shoes. I ran really really fast but not as fast as a Nigerian is apt to run, and they caught me and laughed a mean and mocking South Afrikaan laugh punctuated by !s. Mario, however, disappeared at some point. We couldn’t find their master, who I believe to still be Jamie Lee Curtis, so we went to a pizza parlor instead.

Oh. Coolest product(s) evar. EVAR. Check it out, buy, and show me once you do please!

~ by jeanne on May 14, 2007.

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