Pirates of the Caribbean, pretty good HARRRRRRRR. Orlando Bloom’s character stepped up a notch in the hot-o-meter – as opposed to being overly pretty and pansy-like and GAY in the first version.

Pre-movie, we got into the spirit of things with a good old-fashioned pirate booty BBQ. Lots of rum of course, and all of the regular BBQ fixins. Kevin made some delish jerk chicken and key lime dessert, and guests Jen and WY made the very bootylicious Taiwanese corn (soooooooo good). Also on deck were brats and ice cream pie and a million other things to eat, YUM.

Further in ye ole pirating spirit (search page for “sweet17″ to get to the pirate one.. though the rest of the page is freeeakin hilarious anyway):

World Cup final tomorrow. Yay! Hmm, 4:30am, maybe I should go to sleep.

~ by jeanne on July 9, 2006.

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