i got gas

Last night I was in my jammies, listlessly watching the news footage of the horrors going on in Nawlins.. when the news guy came on and said “We could be HOURS away from FOUR DOLLAR GAS!!” AHH!! So I jump up, grab my car keys and rush to the nearest gas station to fill up with three dollar gas.  Before all you damn Republicans jump on my back,

  1. Don’t blame me for buying into the panic, blame the news guy for causing a panic.
  2. Last time I took math, 3 was less than 4, and I don’t see any of you offering to lend me a buck.
  3. Even though it was 11:30pm, there was a long line already. So I’m not the only one.
  4. Shut up already.

I’m bitter about having to defend my decision to get gas last night over and over today. All you conservatives that want to wait until gas is $6 and barefoot children are lugging gas cans all over town to think this is a big deal, be my guest. I got gas. (hee hee)

~ by jeanne on September 2, 2005.

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